Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Moon......

Well, was on my way home from work /shopping, wow ! its a full moon tonight !

was able to take a picture on my phone, but am unable to send for viewing.....

went to book store the other day (Hastings), was able to buy JCS 2010 ornament
issue, found lots of ornies that i want to stitch.....
also got one other magazine with Halloween stitcheries in it.

since its a full moon, time to start my tusal, was going to start it last full moon, but decided to wait.
am still working on "Patchwork SAL" am about 1/2 done now. and also working on some small christmas ornaments.
been here at the house with son, DIL, grandson and Ex-hubby, took a little juggling to get things going, but running pretty smooth now.
weather is getting kinda cold at night, so am having to build wood stove fire !!!! no complaints here.

well, not much else is happening, so will close for now, hope to blog a little sooner next time.

Happy Stitching everyone !